Tucker's World

Hockey, Movies, South Jersey/ Philly stuff/current events/ stupid stories

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday, January 28, 2007

So, when you are single and you have friends that are couples. Often times they give you cliche advice about dating, and meeting someone. I guess they if anyone should be the "experts" in the "game" since they are both obviously with someone. One of my favorites is, "It happens when you aren't looking"I don't know if I fully understood that. I mean awhile back I bought a can of soup to work for lunch. However, when noon rolled around and my belly was growling, I could not find the soup can anywhere. Checked the drawers. Nope. Under the desk. Nah. Did I leave it in the car? Apparently, not. But, its not like I would just be on the phone at my desk and my soup can would sprout legs and come walking up to me, just cause I wasn't looking. I thought maybe I left it at home but that wasn't the case either.As much as that theory gives many single people comfort, I have to think you have to proactive, if your looking for a relationship or to get laid. You have to go out there and get it, like anything else in life. Education, good job, or and building your ideal life in general.Unfortunately, that involves you have to have balls and approach women. Have to be interesting and charming. Recently Rick and myself were at one of our local establishments that we often frequent that serves beverages of the beer type nature.I was putting on my weekly music set at the music box, when a girl came up and started talking to me. We spoke for awhile. Eventually, I returned to my bar stool with Rick. She was there with 3 female friends and a dude. I came to the conclusion that dude was with one of the girls, but not the girl I was intersted in talking to.Over a few more beers Rick and I started discussing a course of action. I said, it is tough, because of her friends around her. The couple and the two girls started playing that shuffle board bar game behind us. The dude and the girl were closer to Rick and me. The girl of interest and her friend (who was hottest) were on the other end.I came up with a great plan, that I thought was great anyway. I figured I needed to find out here deal, like if she had a boyfriend or not. I thought about asking her one friend (who I also talked to) but they were on the same team and next to each other. I could ask the girl closer to me, but the dude might think I was hitting on his girl. So, it became obvious to me what I had to do. I had to talk to the dude.What do I say to the guy to break the ice? I had to make sure I asked him about the girl. But at the same time, I would have to make it less awkward with small talk. I started to tell Rick, I was going to talk to the dude. You know maybe open up with sports, ask him how the saw dust shuffle board game was going. Than, be like what about your friend down there.At this point Rick was saying things like:"Why would you want to talk to the dude?!?!""Keith (Er, I mean Tucker) , your insane, I think your losing it""It's a dude, just get some balls and talk to the girl"So, eventually I knew what I had to do. Time it perfectly. When she went to the restroom. I would too. So, hopefully we would both walk out the door at the same time. Yeah, that didn't work, I came out before her.But, yeah I can see how the whole wingman comparison comes into play. The bar we sat at was like our air craft carrier, and sometimes you have to peel off and get a mission done. So, thats what I did. As my wingman wished me godspeed.However, the bad thing is, yes its actually like being in a plane. So, that means when things go horribly wrong like in a plane, there is not much you can do. Just franically bound your controls as the sirens blar and the red lights go off.Her hotter friend was nicer to me, and invited me to go with the group back to the original side of the bar. At this point it was clear that the girl either forgot who I was, or just decided to be a bitch to any guy who was talking to her. Just pretty much a one way conversation.The smoke poured out of the back of the plane there was no way I could make it back safely to rejoin my wingman. I had to land. Luckily, when I turned around my friend Allen was there playing pool, so it was almost a seemingless turn around to him. So, I shot the breeze with him for like 15 mins, and acted as if I cared about his pool game.Yeah I crashed and burned, but thats what you have to do sometimes I guess. Girls don't just come easily. Better get shot down than kick myself for not talking to the girl (I have had tons of those nights) and learn from your mistakes. You always have to be on the look out, though for your chance.So, eventually I got back to the aircraft carrier. My wing man gave me a moral victory speech and that was that. But, thats the game of being single. You have to play it. Even when you get past the first stage. THere is the whole how long do you wait to call the girl stage, the who is winning the phone call count game..etc..A few days later after my cell phone went flying in my car when I had to slam on my breaks. I started looking for it in my car when I got home. Underneath the one car seat though, I found the can of soup.

Sunday, December 05, 2004


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Thursday, May 13, 2004


Monday, March 17, 2003




Wednesday, January 15, 2003

“Harry the War Horse”

If those of you that don’t know at this point a friend of Tucker’s has been sent to the middle east. I spoke with Price roughly 12 hours before his group was taken on a flight to what he figured would be somewhere in the middle east.

I don’t fear giving away government secrets or anything and I wouldn’t do that I don’t work for the New York Times. It wasn’t exactly secret since cable news network CNBC was lurking about his base for 24 hours covering the story.

Although it would seem there is a pretty good chance that the war in Iraq, has well fallen through I can’t imagine spending time in that area of the world can be all that pleasant. You never know what will happen over in Middle East, or if things will get ugly. Id imagine his crew (not the out of shape South Jersey losers) will likely have a lengthy stay in the desert since they are from what I am told well trained for that sort of thing. Their time might even be longer, since the war has been delayed more than the 5th season of the Sopranos.

Are we going to war with Iraq? I doubt it a this point. Nor am I convinced we should either. North Korea might be a bigger problem than Iraq at this point. I just hope Price is back downing beer with me safe and sound when he returns. Sorry if that sounded gay, but if anyone wants his address to write to him let me know via email.

Oh yeah, he played Harry the Horse in Guys and Dolls in a Sterling play once.

“ Put a Terrorist In Your Tank”

A recent commercial campaign mocks the anti-drug campaign that launched string of commercials late last year talking about how drug money ends up in the hands of terrorists. They also mentioned that the events of September 11th were paid in part by drug users even as harmless as pot users. Several people tell the camera that they helped knock two large buildings down(I wonder if Jay has and jokes he wants to add about that) and help kill innocent people.

The new commercial campaign attacks SUVs because of their poor gas mileage. Like the anti-drug campaigns, they trace the money. From some white dude pumping his SUV, to the EVIL oil company man in a suit, and ending with an Arabic looking solider. They also have one with various others.

Here is some text from the ad.

'This is George,'' a child says in a sing-song voice. ''This is the gas that George bought for his SUV. This is the oil company executive that sold the gas that George bought for his SUV. These are the countries where the executive bought the oil, that made the gas that George bought for his SUV. And these are the terrorists who get money from those countries every time George fills up his SUV.''

Now I am trying to guess what the objective of this campaign is. Is it to get the law to crack down on what kind of mileage a car can get to the galloon? Perhaps. Is it to make us feel guilty every time we fill up the tank? Not sure. Should I try to harm Rich Arter (a SUV owner) the next time I see him for being a supporter of terrorism? Is it just using the events of Sept 11th to farther a anti-SUV campaign that has been taking place since they drove off the assembly line?

Well SUVs have always come under fire for their likeliness to flip over (comically known as rubbering up). I was hit by one once, and it almost put the Tempo in the grave. Luckily, it didn’t rubber up. People said the same things about jeeps when they first came on the market. If people want to purchase dangerous vehicles for traveling at for convenience, does it differ from Motor Cycle drivers doing the same for looking cool?

That’s not the point though I know. But what about me? Is it okay that I supposedly support terrorism just a little bit? Last time I was Mobil I didn’t see special tank for the SUV drivers. So, my money went to the same place as George’s did right? So lets say I at least bought Osma Bin Laden lunch with my money at least once or twice. What about the South Jersey residents who commute to New York City (surprisingly more than you would think) even if they don’t have SUVs. They are likely to burn more gas than a soccer mom who zips around the locally. Should we round these bastards up? Lets say two families decide to go to Washington DC to see sight see. What if they could easily fit both in two cars, but take an SUV do they burn the same amount of gas?

I guess I see where they are coming from, but I think the ads are kind of silly. Maybe the drug ones were blown out of proportion, but I certainly didn’t need 9/11 to tell me drug money supported horrible people. A drive to through Camden tells me that.

A more effective ad might have flashed actual stats. up about how much gasoline they use burn up. Or an alternative solution to natural gas. I want everyone to turn his or her heat off during the cold snap in South Jersey. DO IT!